
Individual Therapy

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Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Education

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Individual Therapy

The Psychologists and Psychotherapists at the Surf Coast Family Hub offer a broad range of support. While they are particularly passionate about perinatal support (preconception, pregnancy and parenting), they are also qualified to offer more generalised support.

Our therapeutic team works with children, adolescents, adults, and families facing challenges in the following areas:

- Anxiety
- Depression
- Grief/loss
- Trauma
- Stress
- Conception
- Pregnancy
- Parenting
- Parent-infant attachment
- Relationship difficulties
- Life transitions and adjustment issues
- Cognitive assessments
- ADHD assessments

All sessions are 50 minutes and can be conducted in person at the Hub or via telehealth (phone or zoom).

Fees and rebates:
- $225 for a Clinical Psychologist (Adi, Hannah, Melinda), Medicare rebate*: $137.05
- $180 for a Psychotherapist (Michelle), Medicare rebate*: $82.30
- $170 for a General Psychologist (Ellie), Medicare rebate*: $93.35

*Medicare rebates are available to those who have a referral and mental health care plan from a GP, Psychiatrist or Paediatrician. The referral must be obtained prior to the first session for a rebate to be claimed.
*Rebates also available for those with appropriate cover under private health insurance.

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Pregnancy and postpartum massage can be a wonderfully nurturing way to support a woman throughout the emotional and physical changes during and following her pregnancy. It can help soothe aches and pains, promote relaxation, facilitate mother-baby bonding and enhance a sense of wellbeing.

Benefits of pregnancy and postpartum massage
- Mother-baby connection
- Enhanced mind-body connection/relationship
- Increased relaxation
- Improved sleep
- Improved circulation
- Supportive of body changes throughout each trimester
- Reduction of swelling
- Eases back, shoulder, neck pain

Pregnancy massage is a specialised treatment, which takes into consideration the anatomy and physiology of pregnancy, as well as the mother as a whole person – body, mind and spirit - and her unique circumstances. It is a performed in the side-lying position, with specially placed pillows, padding and draping to ensure optimal support, comfort and relaxation throughout the treatment.

Working in co-ordination with healthcare provider (midwife, GP or Obstetrician) appointments can help ensure massage treatments are best tailored to the developing needs of the mother and baby.

Cost: $110 per 60-minute session

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Japanese Acupuncture is derived from Classical Acupuncture Theory, first introduced to Japan from China in the 6th century. It integrated these theories with new and unique developments and has become known for its effectiveness through its subtlety and comfort, compared to stronger needling techniques used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) style Acupuncture. This makes it ideal for even the most sensitive patients.

Japanese Acupuncture has different diagnostic tools, pattern differentiation and styles. The Pulse, Stomach (Hara) and Channels over the body are palpated to determine certain imbalances, which can be physically altered by the stimulation of specific points. This change will then allow the body to re-balance & heal itself.

Balance Hormones
Because acupuncture has a balancing effect on reproductive hormones, it can be used to correct hormonal imbalances that prevent conception.

Promotes Healing
Offering support to the body to restore homeostasis and balance.

Releases Stagnation
Releasing areas of blocked Qi which stimulates organ function and promotes health.

Improves Circulation
Increasing blood supply to the pelvis and uterus to support implantation.

Decreases Pain and Reduces Inflammation
Acts as a natural analgesic, acupuncture interrupts pain signalling and may reduce inflammatory markers.

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Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that helps couples navigate relationship difficulties such as stressful life adjustments, reoccurring conflict, infidelity and intimacy issues.

Couples therapy supports couples to develop greater awareness about why and how they might be getting caught in unhelpful patterns of relating and offers skills, solutions, and insights into what can improve and strengthen the relationship.

Some common reasons people come in for couples therapy include:

- Adjustment issues and stress
- Parenting
- Relationship conflict
- Infidelity
- Separation
- Intimacy and Sex

All sessions are $200 and run for 60 minutes. They can be conducted in person at the Hub or via telehealth.

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Continuity Midwifery Care

Bookings are now open for 2024 midwife continuity of care throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum with Romy.

Last year I had the privilege of supporting many families as they moved through their transition to parenthood. I'm so grateful to do this work, to walk along side and advocate for each family through such an intimate and transformative time. If you are planning on birthing in hospital* and looking for on-call, independent midwifery care and support, please reach out. I am offering midwifery care with Medicare rebates on the surf coast and surrounds. I am also available for one off (or more) midwifery support sessions to help guide or debrief your experience.

Personalised on-call midwifery continuity of care for people planning on birthing in hospitals in Naarm/Melbourne and on the Surf Coast/Geelong in Victoria.

Our midwifery offerings include:
-Midwifery continuity in pregnancy, birth and postpartum, including birth education, postpartum planning, lactation support and birth debriefing.
-On-call phone, email and birth support 24/7
-Capacity to adapt the care to your needs/budget
-All appointments in your home, or our local clinics
-Optional birth photography

We offer support that centres you and your family and your experience. If you would like more information, or to request a phone call please get in touch via our website or

* As I prioritise a balance between supporting families and my own family, I have capacity to support planned hospital birth. If you are interested in homebirth, I am providing back up (second midwife) care to midwife Leisa Gittings who offers homebirth on the surf coast and surrounds

Thank you, Romy

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Lulla-Baby Music Group

Join Dr Elizabeth McLean (Music Therapist) and Dr Adi Brown (Director, Clinical Psychologist) for our monthly music group.

Each month will offer plenty of musical activities and exercises based on a new theme centered around musical parenting, including ways to use your voice and music to soothe, regulate and connect with yourself and your baby and be supported in your parenting role and experience.

Session 1: Thursday 8 August, 9:30-11am
Session 2: Thursday 5 September, 9:30-11am
Session 3: Thursday 17 October, 9:30-11am
Session 4: Thursday 14 November, 9:30-11am
Session 5: Thursday 12 December, 9:30-11am

Session 1 will focus on the role of music and your voice as a parent to support secure attachment and emotional attunement with your baby. There will be a specific focus in this group on your baby's early emotional and social development and the engaging role of music, your voice as a parent and song to support these early moments of connection, communication and play together to strengthen and support a secure attacment relationship with your baby.

Session 2 will focus on the role of songs and your voice as a parent to soothe and co-regulate with your baby, including the opportunity to create your own personalised lullaby or song for your baby!

Session 3 will focus on the role of music to support your baby's early developmental milestones, including the opportunity to learn some specific play songs, rhymes and musical games that will powerfully support you to engage in musical play that will aid your baby's early social skills, emotional development, physical and motor strength and coordination and cognitive and communciative skills.

Session 4 will focus on the role of musical mantras to support you as a parent to access and explore the role of simple sung affirmations to support your nervous system through regulating and restoring a sense of calm and inner peace as a parent and offer a medium for creative self expression and release. You will get the chance to create your own musical mantra in this group and learn and share in some additional sung mantras together.

Session 5 will focus on the role of recorded music and playlist creation for supporting emotional regulation as a parent and caregiver. You will learn about some key considerations for intentionally using music to support a specific emotional outcome and state for yourself and/or your baby, taking into account the style of music (speed, instruments, quality of sound, genre etc..), personal associations with the chosen music and pacing, timing and length of a playlist.

*This group series will best cater for expecting parents and parents with babes in arms ( pre-crawling age)

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Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Education Classes

FREE Pregnancy Choices class
One of the most important steps in being prepared for pregnancy, birth and parenthood is understanding your options so that you can make informed decisions for you and your family. This workshop explores best evidence, models of maternity care and how to lay the foundations for an empowered pregnancy journey. We cover models of care, resources, support team, birth environment and pregnancy wellbeing.

Labour and Birth, day class
6hrs + breaks
Knowing our bodies and understanding the functions of normal physiological birth can help us to feel trusting and safe in labour and birth. Together we explore:
-The inner dialogues around birth
-Trauma prevention and wellbeing
-Practical information about the physiology and progress of labour and birth
-The inner work in transitioning to parenthood
-Pain management strategies
-Embodiment and grounding tools
-How to navigate the maternity care system
-Possible interventions
-Empowering the journey for partners/support people and families

Newborn New Family class
Preparation for a baby goes way beyond their birthdate. This workshop explores your new life as a family and offers preparation for parenting a newborn and nurturing your relationships. Postpartum preparation is often overlooked. We cover the practical challenges of parenting a newborn, from birth to the first few weeks and beyond. We provide tools for safeguarding against postpartum depletion, supporting breastfeeding, recovery, nutrition, nappies, sleep and settling. We also look at the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the newborn and new family to prepare you to thrive as new parents.

Postpartum is Forever class
In this workshop we make time to debrief, share stories and experiences, to be seen through this massive life transition with your baby, here in your arms. We will learn practical tools to guide you through the shifts in your relationships and your own identities. We help support your sleep, help you understand your baby’s needs using neuro-protective and aware-parenting approaches. We help you optimise your fourth trimester and beyond, by exploring nutrition, well-being, and community. We create space for intuitive parenting and connection with other like-minded parents. Come as you are, nappy changes, feeding, crying all welcome.

Private, In-home Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Education
This private consultation will be tailored to your needs. We can cover physiology of birth, pain management options, partner or support people’s roles, interventions - induction, caesarean, birth planning/mapping, planning for your postpartum or create your own session entirely. There will be time for an in-depth conversation about your story, your own personal hopes and needs for your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.

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